Pretoria News

True peace and co-existence needed for us all

Email (no attachments). All letters must contain the writer’s full name, physical address and telephone number. No pen names. MOHAMED SAEED | Pietermaritzburg

THE deployment of army troops to support the overwhelmed police force was required to discourage lawlessness, to restore public order and maintain safety in affected areas.

Given the recent orgy of looting, loss of lives, criminal behaviour and the unnecessary fear, anxiety and distress citizens of South Africa faced, influential leadership is now needed from all stakeholders to build sustainable peace, unity and a shared sense of identity that South Africa

WITH the national elections due to take place in two years’ time, who will the next president of the country be? With the country burning and with unemployment at six million and climbing and the crime and violence increasing at an alarming rate, how do we address the problems. belongs to all who live in South Africa.

In order to address and build on the fragile peace, as South Africans we need to do more for nationbuilding, conflict resolution and ultimately long-term peace.

There is a need to go back to the drawing board to ensure the dialogues are genuine, inclusive and answer the relevant questions such as who, what and why. Besides establishing the reasons for the recent civil unrest and bringing the perpetrators to book, nationbuilding, human rights, social justice and equity must also form part of the reconciliation dialogue.

The government, communities and individuals must commit to policies and strategies that bring about true reconciliation, accountability, economic rebuilding and development through hard work and equality.

Moreover, systems must be employed to build interpersonal healing and relationships.

Human development requires change, recommitment and renewal. Having overcome the recent lawlessness, South Africans now must work towards sustainable and true peace and co-existence.





African News Agency