Pretoria News




1 Cite, as evidence, a dunderhead Fascist leader (6)

4 Sheer energy smears make-up (8)

10 Person in charge if force deploys (7)

11 Justification for a bit of land around the house (7) 12 Grows wrinkled? (9) 13 Each difficult leg being well under par (5)

14 Allow errant son to undergo some change (7) 16 Copy lines about central Europe (6)

19 Bring in party leader to intervene in Timor strife (6) 21 Persuasive relation (7) 25 Hairless, fresh or neatly trimmed (5)

26 Cleared to fall apart when moved (9)

28 Left road to hold back a little on the upwind (7) 29 Muslim leaders on the brink of dipping into ready cash (7)

30 Assess the property I’m placed in (8)

31 Press one’s suit and retreat if awkward (6)


1 Publicity concerning one’s bonny youth (6)

2 In reality, dined after turning bill over (2,5)

3 Pine at the bottom of cold store (5)

5 Climax of rage as some lose every second (6)

6 Play for time to keep nothing happening (9) 7 Supervisor ran game badly (7)

8 Details good wishes (8) 9 Give a prize for being in attendance (7)

15 Threaten disquiet or angst and empty room (6-3) 17 Slap evil concoction as a remedy for chapping? (3,5) 18 Fringe strand of hair with poison (7)

20 Outcry in favour of trial (7)

22 Number taped misbehaving with journalist’s gear (7)

23 Chalk up to common bloodstained object (6) 24 Inventor turned team on (6)

27 Large instrument in small room overhead (5)





African News Agency